Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Text File
533 lines
; ╔═════════════╦═══════════════════════════════════╦═══════════════╗
; ║ ║ ║ ║
; ║ Written by ║ TCMENU.DEF ║ 26 Feb 1990 ║
; ║ G. Piosenka ║ FOR TURBO PASCAL 5.0 ║ Version 0 ║
; ║ ║ ║ ║
; ╠═════════════╩═══════════════════════════════════╩═══════════════╣
; ║ ║
; ║ This is the source file for color menus for Turbo Pascal 5.0 ║
; ║ This source file can be used by the Microsoft Makemenu or ║
; ║ Logitech Newmenu compilers to produce the desired menu. I ║
; ║ have included this file so that users can alter the program ║
; ║ to suit their particular needs. If you do modify the source ║
; ║ code please do not pass them on as changes to this set of ║
; ║ files since it will cause a lot of confusion. Most likely ║
; ║ you will want to alter the menu color. The easiest way is ║
; ║ to look for all lines with the form Popup x,y,c where x and ║
; ║ y are the upper left co-ordinates of the menu and c is the ║
; ║ color. For these menus the color is set at 30 which means a ║
; ║ blue background with yellow letters. The number is determined ║
; ║ by the formula attribute color = 16*background + foreground. ║
; ║ Blue is background color number 1 and yellow is foreground ║
; ║ color 14. See the Turbo Pascal reference manual for definition ║
; ║ of colors and their associated number ║
; ║ ║
; ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
Begin Lb,Mb,Rb,Ml,Mr,Mup,Mdn,300,100
Mb: Type Esc ; escapes
Rb: Type 0,64 ; type F6 - zoom screen
Ml: Type 0,75 ; left arrow
Mr: Type 0,77 ; right arrow
Mup: Type 0,72 ; up arrow
Mdn: Type 0,80 ; down arrow
;------------------------ Screen Matching ---------------------------
;Look for OS Shell highlighted in file menu
Lb: Match 10,5,15,"OS shell",shell,nm7
;Look for Compile message window
nm7: Match 19,44,,"Press any",edit,nm8
;Look for TC prompt to rebuild file
nm8: Match 7,11,,"║ Source",rebuild,nm9
;Look for TC prompt for disk error
nm9: Match 22,21,,"║ Disk",diskmnu,nm10
;Look for TC Save prompt
nm10: Match 6,11,,"╔═",spmnu,nm11
;Look for TC prompt to overwrite file
nm11: Match 8,5,,"╔═",ovmnu,nm12
;Look for presence of Help screen
nm12: Match 6,37,,"─ Help",helpmnu,nm13a
;Look for TC prompt for overwrite configaration file
nm13a: Match 10,45,,"║ Overwrite",conover,nm13
;Look if File option is highlighted in main TC menu if so type Enter
nm13: Match 1,5,15,"File",ent,nm14
;Look if Edit option is highlighted in main TC menu if so set Editmouse
nm14: Match 1,13,15,"Edit",edit,nm15
;Look if Run option is highlighted in main TC menu if so type enter
nm15: Match 1,21,15,"Run",ent,nm16
;Look if Compile option is highlighted in main menu if so type Enter
nm16: Match 1,28,15,"Compile",ent,nm18
;Look if Options is highlighted in TC main menu if so type Enter
nm18: Match 1,39,15,"Options",ent,nm19
;Look if Debug is highlighted in TC main menu if so type Enter
nm19: Match 1,50,15,"Debug",ent,nm20
;Look if Break is highlighted in TC main menu if so type Enter
nm20: Match 1,59,15,"Break",ent,nm21
;Check for Search Options prompt on unzoomed edit screen
nm21: Match 3,2,,"Option",searchmenu,nm22
;Check for Search Options prompt on zoomed edit screen
nm22: Match 2,1,,"Option",searchmenu,nm23
;Check for Replace with prompt on unzoomed Edit screen
nm23: Match 3,2,,"Replace with",ent,nm24
;Check for Replace with prompt on zoomed Edit screen
nm24: Match 2,1,,"Replace with",ent,nm25
;Check for Search Find prompt on unzoomed Edit screen
nm25: Match 3,2,,"Find",ent,nm26
;Check for Search Find prompt on zoomed Edit screen
nm26: Match 2,1,,"Find",ent, nm27
;Check for Replace decession prompt in unzoomed Edit screen
nm27: Match 3,2,,"Replace (",repmenu,nm28
;Check for Replace decession prompt in zoomed Edit screen
nm28: Match 2,1,,"Replace (",repmenu,nm29
;Check to see if the Edit screen is active if so set editmouse
nm29: Match 25,59,,"F10-M",xscr,nm30
;Check to see if Edit screen is active on 43 line VGA
nm30: Match 43,59,,"F10-M",xscr,nm31
;Check to see if Edit screen is active of 50 line VGA
nm31: Match 50,59,,"F10-M",xscr,nm32
;xscr checks to see if unzoomed edit screen is active
xscr: Match 2,37,,"═ Edit",Editscr,xscr1
;xscr1 checks to see if zoomed message screen is active
xscr1: Match 2,37,,"Message",Edit,xscr2
;xscr2 checks to see if unzoomed message screen is active
xscr2: Match 2,39,,"Edit",Edit,Editscr
;Check to see if Watch screen is active on 25 line display
nm32: Match 25,31,,"F10-Menu",watchscr,nm33
;Check to see if Watch screen is active on 43 line screen
nm33: Match 43,31,,"F10-Menu",watchscr,nm34
;Check to see if Watch screen is active on 50 line display
nm34: Match 50,31,,"F10-Menu",watchscr,ent
;--------------------- Edit Main Menu Highlight ------------------
edit: execute editmouse,ent
;Assign mouse so it is faster in Edit screen than in main menu
editmouse: assign Lb,mb,rb,ml,mr,mup,mdn,40,60
stdmouse: assign Lb,mb,rb,ml,mr,mup,mdn,200,100
;----------------------------- DISKMNU ----------------------------
diskmnu: Popup 17,30,30
Text "╔═════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Disk not ready ║"
Text "╠══════════╦══════════╣"
Text "║ Abort ║ Retry ║"
Text "╚══════════╩══════════╝"
Select 4,4,5,abort
Select 4,15,5,retry
abort: type "A"
retry: type "R"
;----------------------------- REBUILD ------------------------------
rebuild: Popup 9,20,30
Text "╔═════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Rebuild ? ║"
Text "╠══════════╦══════════╣"
Text "║ Yes ║ No ║"
Text "╚══════════╩══════════╝"
Select 4,5,3,yes
Select 4,17,2,no
;------------------------------Config Overwrite -----------------------
conover: Popup 12,50,30
Text "╔═════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Overwrite File ? ║"
Text "╠══════════╦══════════╣"
Text "║ Yes ║ No ║"
Text "╚══════════╩══════════╝"
Select 4,5,3,yes
Select 4,17,2,no
;---------------------------- SHELL -----------------------------------
shell: execute shellset,ent ;assign mouse -select shell
shellset: Assign shellmnu,shellmnu,shellmnu ;set mouse to popup shell menu
shellmnu: Popup 10,27,30
Text "╔═════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Return to Turbo C ? ║"
Text "╠══════════╦══════════╣"
Text "║ Yes ║ No ║"
Text "╚══════════╩══════════╝"
Select 4,5,3,exit
Select 4,17,2,zip
ent: Type Enter ; type enter
exit: Execute ex1,ex2
ex1: assign lb,mb,rb,ml,mr,mup,mdn,300,100 ; set normal mouse
ex2: type "Exit",Enter ; type exit to leave shell
;-------------------------- SAVE PROMPT ---------------------------------
spmnu: Popup 10,20,30
Text "╔═════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Save Current File ? ║"
Text "╠══════════╦══════════╣"
Text "║ Yes ║ No ║"
Text "╚══════════╩══════════╝"
Select 4,5,3,yes
Select 4,17,2,No
yes: Type "Y"
no: Type "N"
;------------------------ Overwrite File -----------------------------
Ovmnu: Popup 12,20,30
Text "╔═════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Overwrite File ? ║"
Text "╠══════════╦══════════╣"
Text "║ Yes ║ No ║"
Text "╚══════════╩══════════╝"
Select 4,5,3,yes
Select 4,17,2,No
;-------------------------- Help ------------------------------------
helpmnu: Popup 3,15,30
Text "╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Cancel Menu Page Up Cancel Help ║"
Text "║ Help Index Page Down Keyword ║"
Text "╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝"
Select 2,4,11,zip
Select 2,21,9,pup
Select 2,38,11,scape
Select 3,4,11,index
Select 3,21,9,pdwn
Select 3,38,11,ent
pup: type 0,73
pdwn: type 0,81
index: type 0,59
scape: type Esc
zip: nothing
;-------------------------- EDIT SCREEN MENU ------------------------
; This menu appears when the LB is pressed with the Edit window active
Editscr: execute editmouse,editmenu
editmenu: Popup 1,1,30
Text "╔═════════╦═════════╦═════════╦═════════╦═════════╦═════════╦══════════╦═══════╗"
Text "╠═════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═════════╬══════════╬═══════╣"
Text "║ Cancel ║ Load ║ Find M ║ Zoom ║ Run ║ to OBJ ║ Eval ║ Add ║"
Text "║ Bar ║ Pick ║ Set M ║ Switch ║ Trace ║ Make ║ Stack ║ Del ║"
Text "║ Dir ║ New ║ Block ║ User ║ Step ║ Link ║ Find F ║ Edit ║"
Text "║ Misc ║ Save ║ Search ║ Refresh ║ to Cur ║ Build ║ Tog BP ║ Remov ║"
Text "║ Shell ║ Write to║ Replace ║ Edit ║ Reset ║ Primary ║ Clr BP ║ ║"
Text "║ Quit ║ Chg Dir ║ Research║ ║ ║ Info ║ View BP ║ ║"
Text "╚═════════╩═════════╩═════════╩═════════╩═════════╩═════════╩══════════╩═══════╝"
Select 4,4,6, zip ; cancel menu
Select 4,13,8,load ; load file
Select 4,23,8,findmarker ; find marker
Select 4,33,7,zoom ; zoom screen
Select 4,44,6,runrun ; run
Select 4,53,7,toobj ; compile to obj file
Select 4,63,7,eval ; evaluate
Select 4,74,5,addwat ; add watch
Select 5,4,6, barmenu ; TC's top bar menu
Select 5,13,8,pick ; pick file
Select 5,23,8,setmarker ; set marker
Select 5,33,7,switch ; switch active screen
Select 5,44,6,trace ; trace execution
Select 5,53,7,make ; compile - make
Select 5,63,7,stack ; debug - stack
Select 5,74,5,delwat ; delete watch
Select 6,4,6, dir ; directory
Select 6,13,8,newfile ; newfile
Select 6,23,8,blockcmds ; menu of block commands
Select 6,33,7,userscr ; userscreen
Select 6,44,6,step ; run step over
Select 6,53,7,link ; compile - link
Select 6,63,7,findfunc ; find function location
Select 6,74,5,editwat ; edit watchpoint
Select 7,4,6, misccmds ; menu of misc commands
Select 7,13,8,save ; save file
Select 7,23,8,search ; search text
Select 7,33,7,refresh ; refresh screen
Select 7,44,6,tocursor ; run to cursor
Select 7,53,7,build ; compile - build
Select 7,63,7,togbrk ; toggle breakpoint
Select 7,74,5,remov ; remov all watches
Select 8,4,6, shellsel ; shell to DOS
Select 8,13,8,writeto ; write file to file
Select 8,23,8,replace ; replace text
Select 8,33,8,editor ; go to edit screen
Select 8,44,6,reset ; run - reset
Select 8,53,7,primary ; primary file
Select 8,63,7,clrbrk ; clear all breakpoints
Select 8,74,5,zip ; do nothing
Select 9,4,6, quit ; quit
Select 9,13,8,chgdir ; change directory
Select 9,23,8,repsearch ; repeat search
Select 9,33,8,zip ; do nothing
Select 9,44,6,zip ; do nothing
Select 9,53,7,info ; get compile info
Select 9,63,7,viewbrk ; view next breakpoint
Select 9,74,5,zip ; do nothing
load: type 0,61 ; type F3
zoom: type 0,63 ; type F5
runrun: type 0,102 ; type CNTRL F9
toobj: type 0,112 ; type ALT F9
eval: type 0,97 ; type CNTRL F4
addwat: type 0,100 ; type CNTRL F7
barmenu: execute stdmouse,barmenu1
barmenu1: type 0,68 ; type F10
pick: type 0,106 ; type ALT F3
switch: type 0,64 ; type F6
trace: type 0,65 ; type F7
make: type 0,67 ; type F9
stack: type 0,96 ; type CNTRL F3
delwat: type 0,48,"D" ; type ALT B - D
dir: type 0,33, "D" ; type ALT F - D
newfile: type 0,33, "N" ; type ALT F - N
userscr: type 0,108 ; type ALT F5
step: type 0,66 ; type F8
link: type 0,46,"L" ; type ALT C - L
findfunc: type 0,32,"F" ; type ALT D - F
togbrk: type 0,101 ; type CNTRL F8
editwat: type 0,48,"E" ; type ALT B - E
save: type 0,60 ; type F2
search: type 17,"F" ; type CNTRL Q - F
refresh: type 0,32, "R" ; type ALT D - R
tocursor: type 0,62 ; type F4
build: type 0,46, "B" ; type ALT C - B
clrbrk: type 0,48, "C" ; type ALT B - C
remov: type 0,48, "R" ; type ALT B - R
shellsel: execute shl1,shellset ; type and set shellmouse
shl1: type 0,33, "O" ; type ALT F - O
quit: type 0,45 ; type ALT X
writeto: type 0,33, "W" ; type ALT F - W
replace: type 17, "A" ; type CNTRL Q - A
editor: execute editor1,editmouse ;
editor1: type 0,18 ; type ALT E
reset: type 0,95 ; type CNTRL F2
primary: type 0,46, "P" ; type ALT C - P
info: type 0,46, "G" ; type ALT C - G
viewbrk: type 0,48, "V" ; type ALT B - V
chgdir: type 0,33, "C" ; type ALT F - C
;----------------------- BLOCK COMMAND MENUS ------------------------
;This menu pops up when block is selected from the main EDIT menu
blockcmds: Popup 1,5,30
Text "╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗"
Text "╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣"
Text "║ Cancel Menu Copy Disk Read Print Set Start Indent ║"
Text "║ Hide/Show Move Disk Write Delete Set End Outdent ║"
Text "╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝"
Select 4,4,11,zip
Select 5,4,11,bhide
Select 4,18,4,bcopy
Select 5,18,4,bmove
Select 4,26,10,bread
Select 5,26,10,bwrite
Select 4,41,6, bprint
Select 5,41,6,bdelete
Select 4,50,9,bstart
Select 5,50,9,bend
Select 4,61,7,bdent
Select 5,61,7,bout
bstart: type 11,"B" ; type CNTRL K - B
bend: type 11,"K" ; type CNTRL K - K
bcopy: type 11,"C" ; type CNTRL K - C
bmove: type 11,"V" ; type CNTRL K - V
bread: type 11,"R" ; type CNTRL K - R
bwrite: type 11,"W" ; type CNTRL K - W
bprint: type 11,"P" ; type CNTRL K - P
bhide: type 11,"H" ; type CNTRL K - H
bdent: type 11,"I" ; type CNTRL K - I
bout: type 11,"U" ; type CNTRL K - U
bdelete: Popup 17,30,30
Text "╔═════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Delete Block ? ║"
Text "╠══════════╦══════════╣"
Text "║ Yes ║ No ║"
Text "╚══════════╩══════════╝"
Select 4,5,3,bdel
Select 4,17,2,zip
bdel: type 11,"Y" ; type CNTRL K - Y
;------------------------ Find Marker Menu ---------------------------
; This Menu pops up when Find marker is selected from Edit main menu
findmarker: popup 10,25,30
Text "╔════════════════════════════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Cancel Menu Marker Number 0 1 2 3 ║"
Text "╚════════════════════════════════════════════╝"
Select 2,3,11,zip ; cancel menu
Select 2,31,1,fm0 ; marker 0
Select 2,35,1,fm1 ; marker 1
Select 2,39,1,fm2 ; marker 2
Select 2,43,1,fm3 ; marker 3
fm0: type 17, "0" ; type CNTRL Q - 0
fm1: type 17, "1" ; type CNTRL Q - 1
fm2: type 17, "2" ; type CNTRL Q - 2
fm3: type 17, "3" ; type CNTRL Q - 3
;----------------------- Set Marker Menu -----------------------------
;This menu pops up when Set marker is selected from Edit Main menu
setmarker: popup 10,25,30
Text "╔════════════════════════════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Cancel Menu Marker Number 0 1 2 3 ║"
Text "╚════════════════════════════════════════════╝"
Select 2,3,11,zip ; cancel menu
Select 2,31,1,sm0 ; marker 0
Select 2,35,1,sm1 ; marker 1
Select 2,39,1,sm2 ; marker 2
Select 2,43,1,sm3 ; marker 3
sm0: type 11, "0" ; type CNTRL K - 0
sm1: type 11, "1" ; type CNTRL K - 1
sm2: type 11, "2" ; type CNTRL K - 2
sm3: type 11, "3" ; type CNTRL K - 3
;---------------------- Search Menu ---------------------------------
;This menu pops up when search is selected from the Edit main menu
searchmenu: Popup 1,5,30
Text "╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗"
Text "╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣"
Text "║ Cancel Menu Global Within Block No case Execute ║"
Text "║ Cancel Search Backward Whole word No Prompt ║"
Text "╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝"
Select 4,4,13,zip
Select 5,4,13,scape
Select 4,22,8,global
Select 5,22,8,backward
Select 4,35,12,inblock
Select 5,35,12,wholeword
Select 4,52,9,nocase
Select 5,52,9,noprompt
Select 4,63,7,ent
Select 5,63,7,zip
repsearch: type 12 ; type CNTRL L
global: type "G" ; type G
inblock: type "L" ; type L
wholeword: type "W" ; type W
nocase: type "U" ; type U
noprompt: type "N" ; type N
backward: type "B" ; type B
;----------------------- MISC COMMANDS MENU ----------------------
;This menu pops up when MISC is selected fromt eh Edit main menu
misccmds: Popup 10,20,30
Text " ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════╗"
Text " ╠═════════════════════════════════════════════╣"
Text " ║ Cancel Menu Toggle AutoIndent ║"
Text " ║ Restore Line Toggle Tab Mode ║"
Text " ║ Pair Match Left Pair Match Right ║"
Text " ║ Abort Operation Toggle Opt Fill Mode ║"
Text " ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════╝"
Select 4,5,15,zip
Select 5,5,15,resline
Select 6,5,15,pairml
Select 7,5,15,abortop
Select 4,25,20,tindent
Select 5,25,20,ttabs
Select 6,25,20,pairmr
Select 7,25,20,tfill
resline: type 17, "L" ; type CNTRL Q - L
pairml: type 17,"[" ; type CNTRL Q - [
abortop: type 21 ; type CNTRL U
tindent: type 15,"I" ; type CNTRL O - I
ttabs: type 15,"T" ; type CNTRL O - T
pairmr: type 17,"]" ; type CNTRL Q - ]
tfill: type 15,"F" ; type CNTRL O - F
;--------------------- Replace Menu ----------------------------
;This menu pops up when replace yes/no is matched on edit screen
repmenu: Popup 1,1,30
Text "╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗"
Text "║ Substitute Ignore Abort Search ║"
Text "╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝"
Select 2,4,10,yes
Select 2,20,6,no
Select 2,30,12,scape
;-------------------------- WATCH SCREEN MENU -----------------------
watchscr: popup 10,30,30
Text " ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗"
Text " ╠═════════════════════════════════════╣"
Text " ║ Cancel Menu Main Bar Menu ║"
Text " ║ Add Watch Delete Watch ║"
Text " ║ Edit Watch Remove All Watches ║"
Text " ║ Get Help Go to Edit Screen ║"
Text " ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝"
Select 4,5,11,zip
Select 5,5,11,addwatch
Select 6,5,11,ent
Select 7,5,11,helpcmd
Select 4,21,19,barmenu
Select 5,21,19,delwatch
Select 6,21,19,remov
Select 7,21,19,switch
addwatch: type 0,82 ; Type INS
delwatch: type 0,83 ; Type Del
helpcmd: type 0,59 ; Type F1